At Treffos our curriculum evolves with the learners as their pupil voice impacts strongly on the intended outcomes. Pupil voice encourages the learners’ engagement and has a positive impact on their well-being.
Well-being is at the forefront of our curriculum at Treffos, encouraging individuals to feel supported, and to develop resilience and adaptability when faced with difficult situations. Our well-being focus is to boost each individual’s self-esteem; help children understand their feelings and the world around them; feel more comfortable, safe and happy in their learning environment; and to encourage them to express their feelings.
Each term the children are welcomed back to school with a whole day of well-being activities to support the development of their mental and physical health. These activities may include thinking and talking activities; scenarios to read about or watch and discuss; breathing and calming techniques; and yoga. Specific well-being activities continue throughout the term on a regular basis, as well as everyday emotional check-ins in each classroom to encourage positive mental health.
The new Curriculum for Wales is now being implemented across primary schools in Wales. At Treffos we encourage our learners to realise the four purposes of that curriculum, ensuring a broad and balanced curriculum for each individual.
The curriculum at Treffos uses the six areas of learning and experience with literacy, numeracy and digital skills embedded throughout.
At Treffos, Outdoor Learning is an essential part of our curriculum. This encourages the children to use and appreciate the world around them, whilst developing problem solving and interpersonal skills, and improving physical and mental health. Our school grounds provide opportunity for children to access the natural environment safely, increasing their self-esteem, self-confidence and ability to work cooperatively with others.
The children will develop ongoing skills throughout the year. These include reading, comprehension, handwriting and spelling skills at a level appropriate to their ability. They will also be developing number, times tables and problem solving skills both during their maths lessons and across the curriculum.
Welsh dimension at treffos
School Eisteddfod
Incidental Welsh
Investigating Welsh culture and heritage
Investigating our local environment
Learning Welsh songs including the Welsh National Anthem
St. David's Day
Work involving local artists
This term the following topics will be our focus in each class, remembering that pupil voice plays a very important role in our school, so there could be some variations to the plans as the term develops.